Stressed-Out Skin? Here's How Adaptogens Can Help
From hectic 9-to-5s to intense air pollution, it’s no wonder stress is such a significant part of the metropolitan experience. Learn about the effe...
Read moreFrom hectic 9-to-5s to intense air pollution, it’s no wonder stress is such a significant part of the metropolitan experience. Learn about the effe...
Read more夏天用精華油 只會油上加油? 真相:油保養一年四季也適用! 事實上,適量的「油」是肌膚不可缺少的元素。一年四季任何時候,不論是哪種膚質,熟齡肌、乾性肌或敏感肌,精華油的配方都有助於補充皮膚上的天然油脂,加強保濕,締造健康肌膚...
Read moreIn this post, you'll learn about why we made the switch to reusable makeup remover pads, the benefits of bamboo, and how to care for your Peas in a...
Read moreIn this post, you'll learn about the history of Gua Sha, the beauty benefits of rose quartz, and how to get the most out of your Gua Sha Tool.
Read moreLast Friday was Splurge Day, but the party’s not over yet! Our Triple Advanced Hyaluronic Serum Combo sale is still going strong with an extra 10% ...
Read more夏日炎炎,萬里無雲,無論在家休息,還是在辦公室埋頭苦幹的你,每當望見窗外的晴空,少不免渴望踏出門口,享受陽光的沐浴。不過,香港夏日悶熱潮濕,稍稍走動便會大汗淋漓,皮膚也容易痕癢敏感,面部頻出油;面對耀眼的太陽,又擔心肌膚會受到紫外線的侵襲。你是否也有如此的煩惱?這次Pretti5 Tips希望...
Read moreIn this post, you'll learn about the history of jade rolling, the beauty benefits of rose quartz, and how to use your De-Puff! Rose Quartz Jade Rol...
Read moreAlso known as Huang Qin, Chinese skullcap, or Baical skullcap, goldflower root extract has been a key herb in TCM for thousands of years. It’s fame...
Read more「睡眠才是最珍貴的奢侈品」——對於現代女性來說,睡眠不足、熬夜早已成習慣,更是美麗肌膚的剋星!生活在繁忙的大都市中,下班後天空早已漆黑一片,拖著疲倦的身軀回家後,有時只想要個喘息的空間,追一部好看的劇集,滑滑手機跟朋友聊天,卻一不留神就已經是凌晨,第二天又再帶著兩隻熊貓眼上班,皮膚日漸暗沉,暗...
Read moreThe ultimate moisturiser, hyaluronic acid will hold 1,000 times its weight in water, effectively moisturising your skin and keeping all of that mo...
Read moreWhether you’re acne prone or suffer from eczema atopic dermatitis, a good skincare product will be non-irritant and non-inflammatory, generally tra...
Read moreFrom Oily Skin To Hormonal Acne, It can be hard to manage erratic period skin during that time of the month. Here are our top tips for PMS skincare...
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